I work for National Highways OMT business, which is a very stressful job, so I decided that I need to divert my mind by learning an instrument to get some relief. I decided to join the academy to learn drums. I started learning under Mr. Girish who is the founder of 9th CHORD Music Academy.
He gave me confidence to learn and play drums. With regular practice, I am getting better at it everyday. August’22 event came as a real surprise for me, where I was selected to play the song Fitoor. I thought I was not ready to perform on stage and in front of an audience. With tremendous support from Girish sir and Siddarth sir, I successfully performed at the event. It was a very fulfilling experience to play along with other students.
My heartfelt Thanks to 9th CHORD music academy for giving me such a wonderful opportunity and thanks to Mr. Girish, Mr. Siddharth and all of my co-students for connecting.